Roofing, Conover, NC

We pride ourselves on being a high-quality roofing company in the Conover area that you’ll respect even after the job is complete.

Roofing in Conover, North Carolina
A house built on sand is sure to fail, but one with bad roofing can suffer an equally devastating fate. Here at All American Roofing & Restoration, we can help you if your Conover, North Carolina home’s roofing is showing some signs of aging. If you are noticing extra shingle granules in the gutters, missing shingles, sagging areas, or leaks inside your home’s attic or the interior, give us a call.

We handle all roofing services from the simplest repairs to full roof replacements. You likely aren’t sure exactly what your roof needs, but you can count on us for an honest assessment. We won’t recommend a costly repair that is nothing more than a band-aid treatment, nor will we recommend replacement when there is still sufficient life left to warrant a repair.

Another time we can help is if you are looking to become a new homeowner and you are in the process of choosing a home. A roofing inspection is an important part of due diligence so you don’t end up with a huge expense after closing that you didn’t expect. Knowing the age and condition of the roofing can be helpful when negotiating the final purchase price, too.

We are experienced with both residential and commercial roofing, so you can call on us for your home or your business. We pride ourselves on being one of the high-quality roofing companies that you’ll respect even after the job is complete. We enjoy an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and we are trusted by insurance adjusters to handle roofing claim projects professionally. Call us today for a free estimate for any roofing work you need.





At All American Roofing & Restoration, we offer roofing services in HickoryStatesvilleKannapolisDenver, Boone, Mooresville, Granite Falls, CharlotteConoverLincolntonMorgantonNewton, and St. Stephens, North Carolina.